2024. 6. 3.



Trying to add an attribute to a sphere light in Isaac Sim 2023.1.1 does not work

I have this code where I create a light sphere in Isaac Sim and I have some attributes added to it that work and the information from the code is handled correctly in the Isaac Sim properties tab. But when I tried to add the last attribute (“visibleInPri




Add a light source with Python API

This code works for me for creating Sphere lights: l = UsdLux.SphereLight.Define(world.stage, Sdf.Path(some_prim_path)) l.CreateExposureAttr(...) l.CreateRadiusAttr(...) l.AddTranslateOp() XFormPrim(some_prim_path).set_local_pose(translation=...) You could




Gestures — Omniverse Kit 1.10.3 documentation

Gestures handle all of the logic needed to process user-input events such as click and drag and recognize when those events happen on the shape. When recognizing it, SceneUI runs a callback to update the state of a view or perform an action. Gesture Manage




Wheeled Robots [omni.isaac.wheeled_robots] — isaac_sim 4.0.0-beta.90 documentation

Note If no articulation_controller was passed during class instantiation, a default controller of type ArticulationController (a Proportional-Derivative controller that can apply position targets, velocity targets and efforts) will be used



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